February has long been considered the most romantic time of the year thanks to Valentine's Day. For this month's Fairy Garden Class, I ran with this popular theme focusing on the colors red and white. I began with a large terra-cotta pot, placing about an inch or two of small rocks to allow drainage before filling in the rest with potting mix. Be sure not to fill to the rim of the pot; leave an inch or two. This will insure that water and soil doesn't spill out and it also helps to give your plants support.

As mentioned before, I've added the mushroom house (which incorporates the red and white theme) and surrounded it with moss to hide the foundation.
Next (pictured below), I added small features like a white picket fence that I picked up at Hobby Lobby and two leaves that I literally picked up from the ground (they are dried Poinsettia leaves). I saw that they curled to make the shape of a heart and felt they would be a nice, natural feature to this garden.
After taking a few pieces out of storage and a trip to the Dollar Store, I was ready to fill in the arrangement. What started as one terra-cotta pot expanded outward. The bottom level was created by placing two small pots upside down and placing a flat board on top which you can't see thanks to the cover of the moss that blends nicely with the greenery I've placed around it.
These decorations can all be found at dollar stores (yes, even the plastic butterflies that light up) and give a pop of color to this arrangement.
This is the top tier; the terra-cotta pot we initially started with. Tommy rides his bike, very pleased with his new yard.
Thomas and Rosie fill out the bottom tier amidst flowers. They enjoy each other's company.