I've said it before and I'll say it again - succulents are an amazing plant. They thrive where other plants cannot, they require little attention, the variety of color, shape and size is amazing and if you need to fill out a new container garden when you're inspired by one item, it's very easy to take clippings from multiple succulents.
This delicate looking fairy was gifted to me by one of My Fairy Folks. During a trip to Home Depot I noticed this flowering succulent that reminded me of her pink and white dress. I purchased it for $2.49 and came home to get started on my newest container garden.
I always have containers, small rocks and potting mix at my house which means I didn't have to buy these supplies. I decided which succulents from my yard I wanted to use for the scene and clipped what I would use, allowing a few days for their clip site to scab over before planting.
The bold green succulent makes Zinnia stand out while the pink-tipped succulents allow her to still blend in.
I really love that this fairy can be removed from her flower seat and be repositioned elsewhere.