Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My Fairy Folks: Refurbished Gate

I was over at my best friend's house this week. She follows my blog and wanted to show me the things that she had repurposed in her yard. Shown above is an old gate that she discovered over at her son's house. He was going to get rid of it but she said "son, put it in the backseat of my car." As you can see, she has turned it into a decorative planter with air plants. Now this is a work of art and also one-of-a-kind so if you see an old gate, here's one way to repurpose it.

Here is BlueBell with her magic wand. She was working her magic in the yard and overheard me discussing with my friend the upcoming wedding. When I mentioned I was worried about my yard not looking its best for the occasion, BlueBell sweetly offered her services so she is currently working with the rest of my Fairy community to come up with beautiful arrangements and suggestions to present to the happy couple.



  1. It is always great to see how others repurpose things and give them new life. Your friend's gate is lovely!

    1. I always enjoy seeing how others repurpose items as well. It always gives me great ideas to use in my yard.
