Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Gnomes From Woodland Grove, Part 2

One evening, the young gnomes Bobby and Sue were enjoying a bit of teeter-tottering (as they do most mornings, afternoons and evenings) in the front yard of their home in Woodland Grove. Grandma and Grandpa were inside getting dinner ready. The light breeze wafted the scents over to Bobby and Sue, making their tummies grumble but both had a smile on their face. Their father had just returned from chopping wood and began to work on getting a fire started.

Bobby and Sue play on the teeter totter while Zookned prepares an evening fire

Out of the corner of his eye, Bobby saw a big, beautiful rainbow that had appeared in the empty lot across the path. He stopped teetering and said, "look over there, Sue. Isn't that the most beautiful rainbow you've ever seen?" Sue turned to look, still raised in the air on the teeter totter, and agreed. Bobby then furrowed his brow and said, "wait a minute, we didn't have any rain and there aren't any clouds in the sky. Why is there a rainbow?"

The empty lot across the path

Before Sue could think of an answer, the rainbow had begun to pulse and the colors had begun to change. The silent sky was suddenly a bustle of noise caused by this curious rainbow. Bobby and Sue began to feel very scared. Rainbows are not supposed to pulse and change colors and they are definitely not supposed to make very loud noises! As the noise grew louder, the children called out for their father. "Daddy! Help!"

Zookned rushed over when he heard his children cry out.

Zookned rushed over when he heard his children cry out and looked up at the pulsing rainbow that they were looking at. "Look at the moving rainbow. Can you hear the noise it's making?" questioned Bobby. "Why is it doing that, Dad?" asked Sue. Zookned scratched his chin in confusion. He did not have an answer for them because he had never seen anything like this. Rainbows are only meant to follow the fall of rain, they remain a solid color and they certainly do not make any sort of racket like this one was.

The noise had grown so loud that both Grandma and Grandpa stopped what they were doing and ran outside.

The children's cries had grown louder as the clattering of the rainbow grew louder. The noise had grown so loud that both Grandma and Grandpa stopped what they were doing and ran outside. Grandma rushed to the scared children and held them, trying to sooth their fears. Grandpa stood next to Zookned, both observing the pulsing rainbow with no answers between them. The noise was a combination of what seemed to be many things, mostly clattering and clashing, but it now carried voices too - none of them were able to understand what was being said, but there were surely a collection of voices making their way down to the bottom of the rainbow in the empty lot which was now bathed in bright, colorful light and hard to see.

Unable to figure out what was going on, they all just watched the strange rainbow continue to pulse.

Unable to figure out what was going on, they all just watched the strange rainbow continue to pulse faster. Finally, the clattering and crashing and mix of voices began to quiet and it all seemed to culminate at the bottom of the rainbow. The empty lot was bathed in light, too bright to see but Zookned had a feeling that whatever all that racket was had now ended up in that empty lot.



  1. Dearest Grandma Sandy - thank you for visiting my space Down Under, so of course I had to fly over to visit you and your friends at Woodland Grove to say Hi! Hope all your Grands are enjoying your blog, when I was growing up we used to snuggle into bed with my Grandmother to listen to all her fairy stories, now the modern Grandma has a blog and U tube - you are so brilliant! Crazy Poodle says hi to Mr Peanut.
    With love to you all
    Wren x

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I'm happy that you are enjoying the blog so far. I will try and put up some photos of Mr. Peanut later on this year. And yes, my 13 grandchildren love to help me with my blog; writing, taking photos, making graphics and uploading videos to YouTube. I have my Fairy Garden staff made up of grandchildren!
