Friday, May 4, 2018

Fairy Garden Class - Purple Pot and Peppers

Purple Pot and Peppers - say that five times fast! Thanks to some recent gifts (click here to view the post), I had a vibrant container to fill and knew that my newly purchased colorful peppers would be a surprising pop of color!

Look at those colors! I was able to work with mostly 3 colors for this container; purple, brown and green, and they go so well together.

I began laying out my two newest plants and decided which container to put each in. For this class, we're focusing on the NuMex Easter Hot pepper plant to the right that I purchased at the Green Scene Expo last month (read about it here).

I placed some coffee filters at the bottom of the containers and some small pebbles; both will aid in drainage and keeping soil from escaping.

Soil fills up the rest of the pot before I plant my peppers and lay down more pebbles for colorful ground coverage. I also chose some miniature decorations to create a scene - all existing pieces I already had. How sweet is the little bloom at the top?

And here we are. Some rocks and glass stepping stones for a path to each house, and this container is ready to watch this pepper plant grow.


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